This one is fun for all ages...set up a table and hot dogs made diffrent ways undecorated for the older kids whod like to make there own and decorated for the younger kids.... using colord ketchup and other things you can decorate these halloweenies...... Quick and Easy.... - Danyelle Scholl
You will need 8 toy bowling pins, black and white construction paper and ink markers. Put black construction paper wrap around the pins. Then cut out white paper ghosts and glue or tape to the black paper that is on each bowling pin. For your finished touch, make faces on each one. The rule is 1-3 ghost down gets a small treat, 4-8 ghost down gets a bigger treat. You may make up your own rules.
BLUE MURDER (best played with 4 - 8 people)
My name is Audrey and I am 12. Here is my favorite Halloween game its called Blue Murder! This game is best played in the dark outside or inside if you want you can use a flashlight.
One person is chosen as the Murderer and everyone else are the victims. The murder hides and the victims wander around aimlessly. Do not hide in pairs as it takes away the surprise. The murderer jumps out on the victim who comes near him/her and hides the caught victim. The aim of the other victims is to try and find the caught victim without getting caught themselves. The game is over when every one is caught if you start another game the first person caught is the murderer.
This game is great for anyone from 5 and up. -------Aud Hobbles,Ireland!
This is a cool game for 2-12 year old kids its called musical graves. You cut out graves with paper or cardboard and lay them on the ground. Then you do the same thing as musical chairs (walking to music and when the music stops you grab a chair) except you lay down on the grave paper. You also walk like zombies during the music time! Enjoy! -J.C.
Touchy Feely Boxes
You will need 2-3 shoe boxes with lids. Cut out the corners big enough for a child to insert a hand without looking inside the box and divide the inside of the box into four with cardboard. In each of the compartments put things in. They have a pen and paper and have to guess what is inside each compartment (the younger ones can have help from the adults in writing their answers). My kids love this, I put stuff in like pickled onions (eyes), cooked cold spaghetti (worms), pumpkin innards (yuk), cooked rice (maggots), hot dogs, gherkins, rubber spiders etc. You may need to put the slimy stuff in margarine cartons in the boxes. - Mandy
This game was a big hit and was played with kids from 2 years old to 13 years old. Give some adults a bag with candy and a bag with slips of paper in it. On the slips of paper, write a "trick" the child has to do to get a piece of candy. We had two bags of slips, one for the older kids and one for the younger ones. The kids go to each adult to get their candy.
Some examples of the "tricks" were: Sing the ABC's to the tune of "I Love You" by Barney (It is possible!!), name 5 US Presidents, Do 10 Jumping Jacks while turning around. Make them easier for the little ones. We all had alot of fun!! - Donna McGuire
Put a small piece of candy in a balloon and blow it up. Divide the group into two teams and line them up to race. The first person in line runs down to the bale of straw or hay and picks up a balloon. Then that person places it on the bale and sits on it to pop it. If they're a lightweight they may have to bounce on it to get it to pop. When popped, grab the candy and run back so the next person can do it. The first team done wins.
- Julie West
Make Bingo cards with the letters GHOST instead of BINGO at the top. Leave the squares that the numbers would be in blank. Buy some small halloween stickers that have 6 different objects (e.g. one sticker has a black cat, another has a bat etc.) on each sheet (make sure you have a sheet for each child). Take two small cardboard boxes and cover with freezer paper (or other type of white paper); these will be the dice. On the one put one letter in the word GHOST on each side of the box (you will have an extra side which you can leave blank or put an extra T). Cover with contact paper. On the other die draw a picture of each of the objects on the stickers on each side of the box. Cover with contact paper. Give each child a GHOST card and a sheet of stickers to make their own card. There is a "free" space in the middle and they can put the stickers in any box (some children can put as many objects in a row they want e.g. there may be 3 cats under the G, that's OK). Then roll the dice, if "G" "bat" comes up, the kids with a bat sticker under the G can cover it up (only cover up one bat). Keep rolling untill someone yells "GHOST". Make sure you have someone keeping track of what is rolled so the cards can be checked. - Gary & A.J. - T.
In an enclosed area, take numerous, separate and very long pieces of yarn to create a giant spider web. Put a piece of tape on the beginning of each piece and tie a number to the end. Criss cross the pieces of yarn throughout the room to create a "web." Each child grabs a taped end of yarn and rolls it up until the end is found. Each number corresponds to a special prize or treat. The kids will have fun working there way through the web and trying to stay untangled. Happy Halloween! - Lynda from Larchmont
Yarn Spider Web Game (Elementary School Children)
Roll up a small ball of black yarn, one for each child, the size of a golf ball. Have the children stand in a circle holding their ball. A parent or helper can then tie the yarn around each child's waist and give that child the rest of the ball to hold. Each child, taking turns around the circle, tosses the ball of yarn to someone across from him. That child then wraps the yarn once around him and tosses it to another child and so on and so on. When they are done tossing and wrapping they must now get themselves out of the spider web they have made. Lots of fun. - Clare Lazarek
This is a game for 2 to 4 players ages 6 and up. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for each player. You also need 1 die. The object of this game is to complete a drawing of a jack-o-lantern before the other players do.
Players roll the die to see who starts. The player with the highest number goes first. You must roll the exact number to draw each item. Each item must be drawn in order. If you can not draw what you have rolled, the turn passes to the next player. (For a faster game, or for younger players, you can draw the items in any order).
Roll a 1.....draw a circle for the pumpkin
Roll a 2.....draw the stem
Roll a 3.....draw one eye
Roll a 4.....draw the other eye.
Roll a 5.....draw the nose
Roll a 6.....draw the mouth.
A variation on this game, for older players, is to carve the pumpkin instead of drawing it. In that case, the player would roll a 1 to scoop out his pumpkin. - Becka Eades
Musical Graves
This is a game for four or more players of any age. Use spooky Halloween sounds for the music. Cut out tombstone shapes from construction paper. Decorate these with sayings such as "Rest in Peace", and "Here lies a Good Man", and so on. Each player needs a tombstone. Place the tombstones in a circle. Each player lies down with his head on the tombstone and his feet facing out of the circle. When the music starts, everyone stands up and walks like a zombie around the circle. While they are walking, remove one tombstone. When the music stops, the players must lie down again with their head on a tombstone. The player without a grave is out.
Repeat the game until only one player remains. - Becka Eades
Halloween Round Robin Storytelling Game
This is a super fun game for at least 2 people ages 8 and up. The more players you have, the better the story. Copy each word form the following lists, on to small cards, about 1" X 2". Each category needs to have it's own color card. Construction paper works well for this. Here are the four categories:
PEOPLE ANIMALS THINGS SOUNDS ghost black cat broom Boo! witch bat cauldron whooo... skeleton rat coffin squeeek mummy spider fire ahhhhh! Frankenstein worm hook Bang! vampire crow pumpkin shhhh! princess owl silver bullet clump. . .clump cowboy wolf sword drip...drip...drip Batman dog treasure chest craaaaash! alien buzzard wooden stake scratch-scratch zombie fly apples EEEEK!!! clown toad jack-o-lantern thump!! mermaid snake candy creeeeek! pirate scorpion bubble gum Pop! ballerina jackal flashlight achoo!! hobo dragon mask ooh-la-la scarecrow vulture costume poof! monster hyena corpse yikes! gypsy weasel skull pshaw The End The End The End The End
Place all the cards face down on a table in their own categories. The first persons starts with a card from the "people" pile. This person starts to tell a story using the word that she drew. When she feels that she is done with her part of the story, it is the next players turn. This player draw a card from the "animal" pile and continues the story. The next player must pick a card from the "things" pile, and the player after that draws from the "sounds" pile. The play continues in this way until a card is drawn which says "The End". The player who draws that card must end the story. ara.
Return to Harvest Halloween GAMES Page One Page Three
Disclaimer: All games submitted are to be played at your-own-risk. It is highly recommended that you always have an adult evaluate the appropriateness of the games and activities according to the needs and personality of your group. There may be potential risk and necessary safety precautions which may be required before you play any game. Media Bridge GAMEKIDS is not responsible, nor has it any control over, the use or misuse of any of the games and activities suggested on our pages. If you feel any game or activity is unsafe or inappropriate, please let us know and we will evaluate your request
This one is fun for all ages...set up a table and hot dogs made diffrent ways undecorated for the older kids whod like to make there own and decorated for the younger kids.... using colord ketchup and other things you can decorate these halloweenies...... Quick and Easy.... - Danyelle Scholl
You will need 8 toy bowling pins, black and white construction paper and ink markers. Put black construction paper wrap around the pins. Then cut out white paper ghosts and glue or tape to the black paper that is on each bowling pin. For your finished touch, make faces on each one. The rule is 1-3 ghost down gets a small treat, 4-8 ghost down gets a bigger treat. You may make up your own rules.
BLUE MURDER (best played with 4 - 8 people)
My name is Audrey and I am 12. Here is my favorite Halloween game its called Blue Murder! This game is best played in the dark outside or inside if you want you can use a flashlight.
One person is chosen as the Murderer and everyone else are the victims. The murder hides and the victims wander around aimlessly. Do not hide in pairs as it takes away the surprise. The murderer jumps out on the victim who comes near him/her and hides the caught victim. The aim of the other victims is to try and find the caught victim without getting caught themselves. The game is over when every one is caught if you start another game the first person caught is the murderer.
This game is great for anyone from 5 and up. -------Aud Hobbles,Ireland!
This is a cool game for 2-12 year old kids its called musical graves. You cut out graves with paper or cardboard and lay them on the ground. Then you do the same thing as musical chairs (walking to music and when the music stops you grab a chair) except you lay down on the grave paper. You also walk like zombies during the music time! Enjoy! -J.C.
Touchy Feely Boxes
You will need 2-3 shoe boxes with lids. Cut out the corners big enough for a child to insert a hand without looking inside the box and divide the inside of the box into four with cardboard. In each of the compartments put things in. They have a pen and paper and have to guess what is inside each compartment (the younger ones can have help from the adults in writing their answers). My kids love this, I put stuff in like pickled onions (eyes), cooked cold spaghetti (worms), pumpkin innards (yuk), cooked rice (maggots), hot dogs, gherkins, rubber spiders etc. You may need to put the slimy stuff in margarine cartons in the boxes. - Mandy
This game was a big hit and was played with kids from 2 years old to 13 years old. Give some adults a bag with candy and a bag with slips of paper in it. On the slips of paper, write a "trick" the child has to do to get a piece of candy. We had two bags of slips, one for the older kids and one for the younger ones. The kids go to each adult to get their candy.
Some examples of the "tricks" were: Sing the ABC's to the tune of "I Love You" by Barney (It is possible!!), name 5 US Presidents, Do 10 Jumping Jacks while turning around. Make them easier for the little ones. We all had alot of fun!! - Donna McGuire
Put a small piece of candy in a balloon and blow it up. Divide the group into two teams and line them up to race. The first person in line runs down to the bale of straw or hay and picks up a balloon. Then that person places it on the bale and sits on it to pop it. If they're a lightweight they may have to bounce on it to get it to pop. When popped, grab the candy and run back so the next person can do it. The first team done wins.
- Julie West
Make Bingo cards with the letters GHOST instead of BINGO at the top. Leave the squares that the numbers would be in blank. Buy some small halloween stickers that have 6 different objects (e.g. one sticker has a black cat, another has a bat etc.) on each sheet (make sure you have a sheet for each child). Take two small cardboard boxes and cover with freezer paper (or other type of white paper); these will be the dice. On the one put one letter in the word GHOST on each side of the box (you will have an extra side which you can leave blank or put an extra T). Cover with contact paper. On the other die draw a picture of each of the objects on the stickers on each side of the box. Cover with contact paper. Give each child a GHOST card and a sheet of stickers to make their own card. There is a "free" space in the middle and they can put the stickers in any box (some children can put as many objects in a row they want e.g. there may be 3 cats under the G, that's OK). Then roll the dice, if "G" "bat" comes up, the kids with a bat sticker under the G can cover it up (only cover up one bat). Keep rolling untill someone yells "GHOST". Make sure you have someone keeping track of what is rolled so the cards can be checked. - Gary & A.J. - T.
In an enclosed area, take numerous, separate and very long pieces of yarn to create a giant spider web. Put a piece of tape on the beginning of each piece and tie a number to the end. Criss cross the pieces of yarn throughout the room to create a "web." Each child grabs a taped end of yarn and rolls it up until the end is found. Each number corresponds to a special prize or treat. The kids will have fun working there way through the web and trying to stay untangled. Happy Halloween! - Lynda from Larchmont
Yarn Spider Web Game (Elementary School Children)
Roll up a small ball of black yarn, one for each child, the size of a golf ball. Have the children stand in a circle holding their ball. A parent or helper can then tie the yarn around each child's waist and give that child the rest of the ball to hold. Each child, taking turns around the circle, tosses the ball of yarn to someone across from him. That child then wraps the yarn once around him and tosses it to another child and so on and so on. When they are done tossing and wrapping they must now get themselves out of the spider web they have made. Lots of fun. - Clare Lazarek
This is a game for 2 to 4 players ages 6 and up. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for each player. You also need 1 die. The object of this game is to complete a drawing of a jack-o-lantern before the other players do.
Players roll the die to see who starts. The player with the highest number goes first. You must roll the exact number to draw each item. Each item must be drawn in order. If you can not draw what you have rolled, the turn passes to the next player. (For a faster game, or for younger players, you can draw the items in any order).
Roll a 1.....draw a circle for the pumpkin
Roll a 2.....draw the stem
Roll a 3.....draw one eye
Roll a 4.....draw the other eye.
Roll a 5.....draw the nose
Roll a 6.....draw the mouth.
A variation on this game, for older players, is to carve the pumpkin instead of drawing it. In that case, the player would roll a 1 to scoop out his pumpkin. - Becka Eades
Musical Graves
This is a game for four or more players of any age. Use spooky Halloween sounds for the music. Cut out tombstone shapes from construction paper. Decorate these with sayings such as "Rest in Peace", and "Here lies a Good Man", and so on. Each player needs a tombstone. Place the tombstones in a circle. Each player lies down with his head on the tombstone and his feet facing out of the circle. When the music starts, everyone stands up and walks like a zombie around the circle. While they are walking, remove one tombstone. When the music stops, the players must lie down again with their head on a tombstone. The player without a grave is out.
Repeat the game until only one player remains. - Becka Eades
Halloween Round Robin Storytelling Game
This is a super fun game for at least 2 people ages 8 and up. The more players you have, the better the story. Copy each word form the following lists, on to small cards, about 1" X 2". Each category needs to have it's own color card. Construction paper works well for this. Here are the four categories:
PEOPLE ANIMALS THINGS SOUNDS ghost black cat broom Boo! witch bat cauldron whooo... skeleton rat coffin squeeek mummy spider fire ahhhhh! Frankenstein worm hook Bang! vampire crow pumpkin shhhh! princess owl silver bullet clump. . .clump cowboy wolf sword drip...drip...drip Batman dog treasure chest craaaaash! alien buzzard wooden stake scratch-scratch zombie fly apples EEEEK!!! clown toad jack-o-lantern thump!! mermaid snake candy creeeeek! pirate scorpion bubble gum Pop! ballerina jackal flashlight achoo!! hobo dragon mask ooh-la-la scarecrow vulture costume poof! monster hyena corpse yikes! gypsy weasel skull pshaw The End The End The End The End
Place all the cards face down on a table in their own categories. The first persons starts with a card from the "people" pile. This person starts to tell a story using the word that she drew. When she feels that she is done with her part of the story, it is the next players turn. This player draw a card from the "animal" pile and continues the story. The next player must pick a card from the "things" pile, and the player after that draws from the "sounds" pile. The play continues in this way until a card is drawn which says "The End". The player who draws that card must end the story. ara.
Return to Harvest Halloween GAMES Page One Page Three
Disclaimer: All games submitted are to be played at your-own-risk. It is highly recommended that you always have an adult evaluate the appropriateness of the games and activities according to the needs and personality of your group. There may be potential risk and necessary safety precautions which may be required before you play any game. Media Bridge GAMEKIDS is not responsible, nor has it any control over, the use or misuse of any of the games and activities suggested on our pages. If you feel any game or activity is unsafe or inappropriate, please let us know and we will evaluate your request